Which are top 10 Data Science interview questions for 2024?

Asked by Disna Rai over 2 years ago

Answers 4
Avani Oswal

Avani Oswal

4th year undergrad student

Data science is currently a very popular choice. Thousands of international students are targeting universities abroad for data science. However, applying for such a popular course is not a piece of cake. You have to prepare for it. You have made a profile that can’t be neglected by the admission committee. In the end, you get to face the interview that will seal the deal.

While students have a habit of scoring marks and preparing admission applications. In many cases, they lack an interview round. Till you clear the interview round, your admission is still pending. What I want you to understand is that the data science interview does not go as many people perceive it. You are just asked the basic questions that are related to data science. For example, things like SQL, regression, the difference between simple things etc.

The technical questions related to the data science itself in the interview are not tough. These are just some basic topics in data science that students know even without any prior study of the subject. Take a look here, these are the most common data science interview questions:

What is Data Science?
Difference between Data Science & Data Analytics?
Define a random forest?
Define long and wide data formats?
What is linear and logistic regression?
Explain imbalance data in your words?
Why is sampling used in Data Science?
What are Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues?
What do you understand by overfitting and underfitting?
What is deep learning and how is it important in Data Science?

As you see, these are the most asked interview questions in a data science interview. Even if you visit four different websites you will find these questions common. Some of these ones can be answered by a non-data science aspirant. The interview section is set up to measure your capabilities, not abilities. Because the course is to start after your admission, you only need to show potential. Keep your doubts clear and work on basic things.

There are many universities that post their interview questions. They are available on their official website and can be accessed by anyone. The whole idea is to give students something to work on. For your data science interview, try going through the basic topics. Watch articles and read program brochures to get an idea of the courses. The more familiar you are with the subject, the more confident you’ll become.

Getting past the interview round is 20% knowledge and 80% persona. Work on all aspects and make a good impression. Try answering all listed questions at one go to see where you lack and where you are good. If you need any help from my side just let me know.



: While the specific interview questions for Data Science may vary depending on the company, role, and level of expertise required, here are ten commonly asked questions that are likely to remain relevant in 2024:

Describe a recent data science project you worked on. What was your role, and what challenges did you encounter?

This question assesses your practical experience, problem-solving skills, and ability to communicate technical concepts effectively.
Explain the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning. Provide examples of each.

Demonstrating a clear understanding of fundamental machine learning concepts is essential for data science roles.
What is cross-validation, and why is it important in machine learning?

Cross-validation is a crucial technique for evaluating the performance of machine learning models and assessing their generalization ability.
How do you handle missing values in a dataset?

Dealing with missing data is a common challenge in data preprocessing. Interviewers may ask about your approach to imputation or handling missing values effectively.
What evaluation metrics would you use to assess the performance of a classification model?

Understanding different evaluation metrics, such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score, is essential for evaluating the effectiveness of classification models.
Explain the bias-variance tradeoff. How does it impact model performance, and how do you mitigate it?

The bias-variance tradeoff is a fundamental concept in machine learning that relates to model complexity and generalization. Demonstrating an understanding of this tradeoff and strategies for mitigating it is crucial.
What is feature engineering, and why is it important in machine learning?

Feature engineering involves creating new features or transforming existing ones to improve model performance. Interviewers may ask about your experience with feature selection, transformation, and creation.
Describe the process of model deployment in a production environment. What considerations are important?

Understanding the deployment pipeline, including model testing, monitoring, and scalability, is essential for ensuring the successful implementation of data science solutions in real-world settings.
What is the difference between overfitting and underfitting in machine learning? How do you address these issues?

Overfitting and underfitting are common challenges in model training that can impact performance and generalization. Interviewers may ask about techniques for preventing overfitting or improving model flexibility.
Discuss a time when you had to communicate technical findings to non-technical stakeholders. How did you approach this challenge?

Effective communication skills are crucial for data scientists, as they often need to translate complex technical concepts into actionable insights for business stakeholders. Be prepared to discuss examples of how you've communicated technical findings effectively in the past.
These are just a few examples of potential interview questions for Data Science roles in 2024. It's essential to prepare thoroughly by reviewing core concepts, practicing coding and problem-solving skills, and being able to articulate your experiences and thought processes effectively during the interview.

Sarma Bhujbal

Sarma Bhujbal

Study abroad consultant at Mentr Me

When preparing for a Data Science interview, it's important to focus on questions that not only test your technical skills but also your practical understanding and strategic thinking. Here are ten key questions you might face in 2024:

  • Can you walk us through your process of data exploration and analysis?

This question seeks to understand your workflow and how you approach new datasets.

  • What machine learning models are you most familiar with, and why?

This reveals your hands-on experience with specific models and your rationale for using them.

  • Explain the concept of "p-hacking" and why it's problematic.

This tests your ethics and understanding of statistical fallacies.

  • How do you validate the results of your model?

Validation methods are crucial for ensuring the reliability of your models.

  • What are the challenges of working with large datasets, and how do you overcome them?

This addresses your problem-solving skills and your ability to handle scale.

  • Discuss an example where you used ensemble techniques.

Ensemble methods can improve model accuracy, showing your advanced skills in model optimization.

  • What are ROC curve and AUC, and why are they important?

These metrics are essential for evaluating the performance of classification models.

  • Explain how you use cross-validation in model building.

Cross-validation is a robust technique for ensuring your model performs well on unseen data.

  • What are feature selection methods you use, and why?

This evaluates your approach to simplifying models while maintaining accuracy.

  • How do you stay updated with new advancements in Data Science?

Continual learning is critical in this field, and this question assesses your dedication to professional growth.


Navigating the field of data science can be challenging, especially when preparing for interviews. To excel, it’s essential to focus on the top data science interview questions which are frequently updated to reflect new technological advancements and shifting industry priorities. Here’s a breakdown of the most crucial questions to prepare for, based on recent trends and my experience in the field.

Explain the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning. Understand these foundational machine learning concepts, as they are pivotal in many data-driven decisions.

What is overfitting, and how can you avoid it? Discuss the implications of overfitting models and strategies like cross-validation to mitigate this risk.

Can you explain what regularization is and why it is useful? Regularization techniques, such as L1 and L2, are crucial for refining models.

Describe a data project you have worked on from start to finish. This question assesses your hands-on experience and problem-solving skills.

What are precision and recall? These metrics are vital for evaluating the performance of classification models.

How do you handle missing or corrupted data in a dataset? Demonstrate your practical skills in data cleaning and preparation.

Discuss any experience with deep learning frameworks. Familiarity with tools like TensorFlow or PyTorch can be a significant advantage.

What is the bias-variance tradeoff? An understanding of this concept is critical for developing effective models.

How do you ensure your model is not just memorizing the data? Techniques like splitting data into training and validation sets are fundamental.

What data visualization tools or techniques are most effective in your experience? Visualizing data is essential for insights and making your analyses accessible to stakeholders.

Prepare to discuss these questions with concrete examples and recent project experiences. This approach will not only showcase your technical skills but also your ability to apply theoretical knowledge practically and effectively in real-world scenarios.



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