Operations Analyst at WD
The program and school name you have mentioned; MIM from ESCP Europe is a big one in management studies. ESCP is currently one of the best and top ranked schools for MIM courses. Automatically, their average GRE score will be up to par. But I would like you to consider other aspects of the applications as well.
The average GRE score for MIM ESCP Europe is 317. As per their official records, this number represents the actual numbers without any involvement from me. Though I do want to involve a little tip here. See, obtaining an average GRE score is not enough. Maybe it would be enough for a basic business school but not for ESCP Europe. I have worked with an exceptional graduate from the school itself. From time to time, I have come to know how difficult it can be to get admitted to the school.
If I have to give a number, I would recommend going for at least 320 or more. I know some can say that getting a GRE 320 out of a total 340 is not a simple task. However, ESCP  Europe is also not a simple school. I mean a graduate from ESCP Europe has the potential to earn a six figure annual salary of €120,000 (around 100 lakhs). It's not like I’m making up these numbers. This is a legit record from the school and sources like Glassdoor.
So, if you are planning to apply for ESCP Europe, I suggest you buckle up. Start your GRE preparation right now. Because apart from being a top rated business school, ESC Europe is also a very selective institute. You will need more than just a GRE score to get admission there.
As I mentioned the other aspects of the applications, that is very crucial. This includes your standard documents like SOP, LORs and Essays. In many cases, these documents work as a tiebreaker between two candidates. Top-tier b schools always look for your persona and your non academics ,like curriculars, experience, community involvement things. So if you have any of these things, add in your profile.
If still not cleared on this topic, you can always ask for help. Just leave a comment and I'll see to aid you personally. Here we aim to help students prepare their profile in such a way that their chances of getting into their dream school are made easy. Better to be extra prepared than regretting later.
The average GRE score for the MIM program at ESCP Europe is around 317, but it's not just about the GRE. ESCP Europe wants students with interesting stories, a business mind that thinks globally, and a desire to be part of a global student community. So, while you are getting ready for your GRE, also focus on improving your business and personal skills.Â
SEO Executive
ESCP Europe School is proud of having students from all over the world who are great at school. Just so you know, most students who apply for MIM have a GRE score of around 317. But here's the thing: they care more than your GRE score. They also want to see that you're good at school, a leader, and have some experience with different cultures. So, while your GRE score is important, make sure to tell them about your other qualities in your application!
To know more about Eligibilty criteria, click here: MIM ESCP Europe