Specialization courses for Mechanical Engineer in Germany?

Asked by Athulya v p almost 3 years ago

1 Answer
Diksha Garg

Diksha Garg

Supply Chain Management expert

A mechanical engineering specialization from Germany is like an MBA from Harvard. It could be any better. The whole country is known for its engineering sector. Automotive and tech are basically the inborn sectors of the German engineering sector. Universities like TMU, RWTH are already known as the best technical colleges for engineering.

Going for specializations, there are some specific names that are better than the rest. Obviously, the automotive specialization being the best one, machine design and computational engineering are the most relevant ones. They are likely to be modified more in future due to tech and mobility developments. In case you like a bigger job option, I would recommend a computation specialization. It will help you outside of Germany the most.

The best course I can suggest is General Mechanical Engineering M.Sc. from RWTH Aachen University. The university is known for its exceptional mechanical engineering program. And the coolest part is, it's designed to fit most technical fields of the industry. So with the biggest mechanical degree in the country, you have the option to do a variety of jobs in mechanical engineering and relevant sectors. The course is best for all major specializations like computational engineering, automobile, automation and mechanics, machine design and more.

Technical University of Munich (TMU) and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) are also top options. TMU is basically the biggest technical university in Germany. Its MSc Mechanical  Engineering program is best for deep learning. The program is targeted toward research areas in materials science, thermodynamics of fluid mechanics. KIT however offers a MACH Mechanical Engineering degree. This one is more involved with material science and technology specialization. All in all, you get a variety of choices.

Suggesting the specializations in mechanical engineering for you would be easier if I knew your current qualification. Why don't you share your profile? The evaluation of your academics and curriculars can give a better idea for choosing a specialization.
