Is 308 a good GRE score for MS in DS?

Asked by Kavita Desai 7 months ago

2 Answers


A GRE score of 308 is a solid foundation for applying to MS programs in Data Science! It's important to remember that while some of the very top programs might seek higher scores, many excellent universities take a holistic approach to admissions. 

They value your academic record, professional experiences, personal statement, and letters of recommendation just as much if not more. 

My advice for you, Focus on customising your application to showcase your strengths and passion for data science. Highlight any relevant projects or work experience, and articulate your goals clearly. 

Many students have successfully gained admission to great programs like MS in Data Science USA with similar GRE scores by presenting a well-rounded application. Remember, your GRE score is just one part of your story!

You can go through to these universities where GRE scores are valid.

For more clarification, feel free write to us or you can book end-to-end free session with our study abroad consultant.



For Data Science, a 308 GRE score is seen as borderline for the most competitive programs. To strengthen your application, you should highlight any specific quantitative and analytical skills, such as experience with data analytics tools, statistical programming, or related coursework. It's also beneficial to have strong recommendation letters and a well-formulated statement of purpose that clearly articulates your interest in data science and how it aligns with your career objectives.

With a GRE score of 308, you are positioned well for many MIS programs, especially those that integrate aspects of business and technology where the emphasis may not solely be on the GRE score. To enhance your application, focus on your practical experience in information systems, any leadership roles, and your technical skills. These can include project management, software development, or even internships that involve IT management tasks. Such practical experiences coupled with a clear statement of your professional aspirations in MIS can significantly strengthen your application.
