How to get above 710 scores in GMAT?

Asked by ila gautam over 2 years ago

2 Answers
Nikhil Agarwal

Nikhil Agarwal

Country Expert : Australia

If you look at the 2018 GMAT percentile scorecard, you’ll see that you are in the pinnacle 10% of all test takers with a rating of 700. So it is a massive deal; but is it difficult?

Not at all. After following and getting to know people who finished wonderful GMAT scores, I observed a few commonalities amongst them, and I can guarantee you that they no longer obtain that form of rankings because they studied for hours collectively fixing a million check problems.

They deal with the GMAT as a game, not a test.The top test-takers are aware that the GMAT is an algorithm and that their job is to beat the system. They additionally recognize precisely what the GMAT is checking out on them. Yes, it is authentic that you have to be aware of the fundamentals, however that only takes you so far. Beyond a point, answering questions correctly isn’t their agenda, but rather appreciating their approach is. What they all know is that you can’t just plug in policies and reply to questions, you have to additionally understand logically, what that query is trying to convey. It’s all in the logic, now not the rules.

For eg, for some Sentence Correction questions, it is now not without a doubt about understanding the regulations of grammar, however as an alternative seeing if the sentence makes sense logically.They replicate a lot of their mistakes, no longer their strengths.

700 scorers don’t simply resolve questions and pass on. They spend a tremendous quantity of time on understanding why they received the reply wrong and how to ensure they don’t repeat the mistake. They don’t solve 200 questions a day. They probably resolve 25 super questions and analyze everything about their approach.
They’re continually focusing on time reduction.
They recognize that the GMAT is no longer simply a test, its a take a look at with a large time crunch and utilising their time effectively is their range one rule in their blueprint. They constantly analyze how much time they spend on special kinds of questions, what questions to reduce their losses on, and how to answer certain questions. For example, they recognize that rather than trying to discover the proper answer, put off the picks that you understand are without a doubt wrong. It is a faster approach to get to the right answer.
GMAT can be one of the best assessments you’ve ever written. Just remember, no longer rules, logic. 


Getting above 710 on the GMAT means you're doing better than most people who take the test. It's a great goal if you're aiming for top business schools!

How to Start:

  • Make a Plan: Figure out how much time you can spend studying each day or week. Keep it realistic!
  • Take a Practice Test: Before you dive into studying, see where you stand. A practice test will show you what parts of the test are easy for you and which parts are tough.
  • Get the Right Study Stuff: Find books, online courses, or videos that help you learn in a way that feels good for you. If you're stuck, think about getting a tutor.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Doing lots of practice questions and tests will help you get used to how the GMAT works. It also helps with learning to finish on time.
  • Focus on the Tough Stuff: Spend extra time on the parts that are hard for you. It might mean going back to basics or finding new ways to solve problems.
  • Keep an Eye on the Clock: Learn to manage your time well during the test. Practice doing questions quickly but accurately.
  • Learn from Mistakes: When you get something wrong, try to understand why. It's a great way to get better.
