Hello I wanted to do my Under graduation in business either it is US/UK Can you suggest which universities are correct how to approach?

Asked by Koushik Kandalam over 2 years ago

2 Answers
Ritu Jain

Ritu Jain

Student at Shri Ram College of Commerce

Hello, it is often confusing choosing an ideal school/degree or even country for higher education. But, you came to the right place, let me help you make an informed decision.

1. Choosing your degree at the start or during the course
In the United States, students normally are not required to declare their major until the end of their second (sophomore) year. This gives plenty of time for exploration, and to change your mind any number of times.It’s estimated that 80% of students in the US change their major at least once while at university.

The UK, on the other hand, requires students to choose their major before they even arrive on campus, and there are very few if any extra core subjects. 

If you’re a little unsure on your major or want to experiment for a year or two, then the USA is probably the better option. If you are 100% set on a subject, and just want to get going, the UK may be the place for you. 

2. The cost of education
The differences in cost between the two countries can sometimes be enormous, but not always. Fees for international students is significantly higher in the UK. The government chooses the fee limit and universities will decide where they want to be on that scale.

In complete contrast, universities in the USA have absolutely no constraint on how much they can charge, and they can vary wildly.

Fees in the U.S are usually broken down into; in-state tuition fees and out-of-state tuition fees, as well as between private and public universities. The average fee for a private university is around $29,000 per year, but others reach up to $50,000 per year.

3. The length of the course
One of the most noticeable differences between studying in the UK and the USA are the lengths of courses. 

The UK almost exclusively has shorter courses than their American counterparts, and this goes for all levels of higher education.

A bachelor’s degree in the UK is normally 3 years, to the American 4 years. Taking a master’s in the UK will typically take just 1 year, while in the U.S it is 2 years. Finally, a PhD in the UK will be between 3 and 4 years (with exceptions for certain courses) while in the USA it will normally take 5 to 7 years. 

4. How you study
Universities in the UK are typically lecture-based and may include the occasional assessment, but it’s not uncommon for students at UK universities to have no formal assessment until an end of term, or even end of the year exam

Universities in the USA, however, are much more assessment-based and students are likely to have weekly, bio weekly or monthly assessments, which will be combined with a final exam for a final grade.

The USA system still uses plenty of lectures, but these might be incorporated much more with smaller seminars or workshops than you would normally find in the UK. 

5. Work opportunities
While it must be said that neither the UK nor the USA offers any kind of guaranteed job at the end of studies, their rules do differ.

In the USA international students are eligible to remain in the country for just 60 days after graduation. In that time you will need to either enrol in another college, or in an Optional Practical Training (OPT) program to gain employment on an F-1 visa.

This is not always a particular easy avenue to access, and many students find themselves leaving after 60 days.

Until recently, things were very similar in the UK. However, recent changes mean that international students are eligible to remain in the UK and work for up to two years, which allows you to really experience the country outside of formal education.

6. Postgraduate opportunities
As mentioned earlier, the structure of the UK higher education system is different to the one in the USA.

This means that in the United States, students who are looking to advance and specialise in their profession do so first when they go to graduate school.

Whether it be medicine, law or engineering, most specialist professions require a specialist qualification from a graduate school.

In the UK, most students have already learnt a great deal about their subject before they even think about persuing a postgraduate qualification.

Wheras in the USA students can join law school or medicine school having never fully explored either subject, in the UK it is rare for students to enter a postgraduate course with only a minimal knowledge of the subject.

That being said, it is possible to study both law and medicine in the UK without a undergraduate qualification in either, although you do need a qualification in a related subject at most universities.

Thinking of studying abroad?   Directly get in touch with Experts here. They have been helping students get into their dream schools abroad for a long time now and so they can help you with all the relevant information as well as assist you in the entire process. 




For undergraduate business studies, both the US and the UK offer excellent options with distinct educational approaches. In the US, you might consider programs at Harvard, Stanford, or Wharton, which are renowned for their comprehensive business education and strong alumni networks. These programs usually require SAT scores and a detailed application via the Common App, including essays and letters of recommendation.

In the UK, institutions like the University of Oxford or the London School of Economics are notable for their focus on critical thinking and international perspectives. Applications for UK universities are processed through the UCAS system, which allows you to apply to up to five courses. The UK typically does not require standardized tests like the SAT, but does focus on your high school performance, UCAS personal statement, and possibly an interview.

For both countries, ensure your language proficiency meets the requirements (TOEFL or IELTS), and start your application process early. It's also beneficial to connect with current students or alumni through forums or social media to get insights into the student experience and tips for your application.

