20 Best Universities in USA for MS in Computer Science

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A lot of people desire to study in best universities in USA for MS in Computer Science. Because of the top-tier colleges that have been created there and that consistently rank highly in academic and professional rankings, this course has become more and more popular in the United States. The majority of educational institutions in the USA provide flexible study schedules, offer a variety of specialties, offer excellent job placement services, and prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to syllabus content. Students who earn a degree from best universities in USA for MS in Computer Science are in great demand and have a track record of landing excellent jobs. Another benefit of earning an MS in Computer Science from the US is that students are allowed to work while they are enrolled in classes, which helps them to pay for essential expenditures. Almost every field conceivable has been revolutionized and impacted by computer science. Being able to study computer science in the US gives you access to priceless educational opportunities. You may also study in one of the most developed economies in the world thanks to it. This article has successfully sorted out the top computer science institutions in the USA based on their course offerings and university rankings to answer your application-related conundrum :

Top 20 Universities in USA for MS in Computer Science

Here are the Top 20 Universities in USA for MS in Computer Science:

1.) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

The biggest department at MIT is called Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS). MIT educates its students for the high-technology sector through the teaching and research of its renowned professors, who are leaders in their fields. Computer science & engineering, electrical engineering & computer science, computer science & molecular biology, and computer science economics & data science are among the courses available to students. The EECS members could work in the labs for artificial intelligence, information & decision systems, microsystems technology, or electronics. MIT's work enhances people's quality of life worldwide, from medical gadgets that harvest energy from the body to robots that perform with elite dancing troupes.

2.) Stanford University 

Both undergraduate and graduate degrees in computer science are available from Stanford's School of Engineering. It provides concentrations in information management, network security, software theory, artificial intelligence, biocomputation, and HCI. Artificial intelligence, robotics, the theoretical underpinnings of computer science, scientific computing, and systems research are all concentrated at Stanford University. Its one of the best universities in USA for MS in Computer Science and places a high priority on interdisciplinary research, enabling its computer science students to simultaneously study in the domains of chemistry, genetics, linguistics, medicine, as well as numerous branches of engineering, construction, and manufacturing. Students are prepared for a rigorous profession in the science and technology sector when they graduate.

3.) Carnegie Mellon University 

CMU is a highly regarded institution in the fields of programming languages, artificial intelligence, and systems & theory, and is known across the globe as a pioneer in the education of computer science and robotics. At CMU, the School of Computer Science (SCS) provides bachelor's degrees in computer science with specializations in robotics, machine learning, arts, biology, and even artificial intelligence. Graduate degrees provide concentrations in data science, product management, information technology, privacy engineering, and computer vision in addition to these majors. CMU collaborates extensively with customers from business and charity sectors to create technologies outside the purview of computer science.

4.) The University of California, Berkley 

Exceptional students from all over the world are drawn to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences' top-ranked programmes and its considered one of the best universities in USA for MS in Computer Science. The Electrical Engineering and Computer Science programme is for students who are primarily interested in engineering, even though the degree in Computer Science allows freedom to pursue topics like economics and music. The institution undertakes research in 15 different domains, including artificial intelligence, computer architecture, robotics, energy, and graphics. UCB, one of the most prestigious colleges, is known for its world-class teachers, dedication to educational achievement, and stunning campus. The institution is close to Silicon Valley, where several high-tech businesses may provide research possibilities and career prospects to its students.

5.) Harvard University 

Students learn both the foundations of computing and how computation interacts with the outside world at the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS). Students can do research and major in a variety of fields while earning their degrees, including artificial intelligence, architecture, neurology, economics, graphics, vision, information and society, and programming languages. SEAS takes an interdisciplinary, team-based approach to teaching and its considered one of the best universities in USA for MS in Computer Science. Harvard is able to generate groundbreaking discoveries and create technologies, products, and ideas that enhance people's lives all around the world because of partnerships with academic institutions, businesses, public organizations, and the government.

6.) Princeton University 

Princeton has been at the forefront of computing research since Alan Turing made his breakthrough in cryptanalysis. Undergraduates at Princeton University's Department of Computer Science have the option to create their own programmes and select from courses in topics including algorithms, theoretical computer science, computer system design, and applications and its considered one of the best universities in USA for MS in Computer Science. Graduate students at this institution can also choose to focus on artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks, computer architecture, and algorithm design. The department carries out research in the fields of language processing, policy, computational biology, economics, and security. As a result, students have a variety of options following graduation. While some work for computer and IT organisations, others go to startups or even create their own businesses.

7.) University of California, Los Angeles 

The creation of software systems and algorithmic techniques benefits greatly from the design, development, and production efforts of UCLA's computer science faculty. A bachelor of science in computer science or computer science and engineering is available from the department. AI, computer architecture, systems biology, databases, graphics and vision, and programming languages are among the specialisations available to students. The department is affiliated with more than 20 labs where research on big data, internet research, computational genetics, multimedia information, and statistics is carried out, placing it in the heart of everything fascinating. Additionally, students learn to take moral and civic responsibility in all of their pursuits.

8.) University of Washington 

Every term, more than 2,000 students can choose from computer science and computer engineering courses at the University of Washington's Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering. The Allen School's well-known academics support students' research in a variety of fields, including augmented reality, artificial intelligence, game science, fabrication, privacy, and networking and its considered one of the best universities in USA for MS in Computer Science. One of the top universities for sending students to high-tech companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Google is the University of Washington. In order to aid students' study, the school upholds an open and very accepting atmosphere for them, providing a rich environment for multidisciplinary collaboration with other institutions.

9.) Columbia University 

Bachelor's degrees in Computer Science and Computer Engineering with concentrations in Mathematics, Data Science, and Information Science are available from Columbia University's Department of Computer Science. Those seeking a master's degree, on the other hand, have the option of specializing while working on their MS thesis in computational biology, computer security, machine learning, natural language processing (NLP), graphics, and robotics and its considered one of the best universities in USA for MS in Computer Science. In the fields of graphics and user interface, NLP, security, networking, vision, and AI, the department carries out ground-breaking research. Columbia University provides its students the chance to live in one of the most varied cities in the world, where a wide range of professional opportunities are just waiting to be discovered. Columbia is located in New York City.

10.) Cornell University 

The computer science department at Cornell is divided into three colleges: statistics & data science, information sciences, and computer science. Graduates have access to a wide range of jobs, including those in software engineering, computational finance, modelling, game design, robotics, AI, animation, security, and biotechnology, in addition to master's and doctorate programmes in subjects connected to computing. Under the supervision of an outstanding staff that has won several awards, the students actively do research in each of these subjects. Although Cornell's campus is dispersed around Ithaca and New York, students have the chance to work with alumni in important fields including technology, finance, and health.

11.) New York University 

Students that enroll in the NYU Computer Science programme join the Courant Institute, which is still on the cutting edge of applied mathematics today. The department offers specialties in math, economics, and data science in addition to a bachelor's degree in computer science and its considered one of the best universities in USA for MS in Computer Science. On the other side, graduates have the option of studying entrepreneurship, innovation, and information systems in addition to computers. Algorithms, scientific computing, voice processing, and machine learning are just a few of the disciplines where the department conducts research. High-level programming, compiler optimization, multimedia, computational finance, and mathematical programming are among the advanced topics covered in these courses.

12.) Georgia Institute of Technology 

Georgia Tech is one of the best colleges in the US for computer science, and its graduate and undergraduate programmes are renowned for their leadership excellence, real-world relevance, and social and scientific impact and its considered one of the best universities in USA for MS in Computer Science. The College of Computing confers master's degrees in cyber security, human-computer interface, bioengineering, analytics, and computational science in addition to bachelor's degrees in computer science and computational media. The institution stands out for its high-performance computing, geometry and graphics, and cognitive science research initiatives. Georgia Tech assists students in achieving their objectives and professional aspirations through its vibrant computer community, start-ups and entrepreneurship, and mentorship programmes.

13.) California  Institute of Technology 

The most well-liked course on campus is offered by the Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences at Caltech, which is tucked away in Pasadena and its considered one of the best universities in USA for MS in Computer Science. Courses are available in computer science, mathematical sciences, applied and computational mathematics, and dynamical systems. Complexity theory, computational neuroscience, molecular programming, and quantum computation are other study topics that the institution prioritises. The college encourages cooperation throughout the university and research institutions, such as the Center for Advanced Computing Research and the Molecular Programming Project, and has a student-to-teacher ratio of one to three. Keck Institute for Space Studies and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory are also on this list.

14.) University of Texas at Austin 

More than 50 courses in computer education are available to undergraduates. Graduate students, on the other hand, continue their studies in computer science and conduct research in artificial intelligence (AI), bioinformatics, data mining, model-driven engineering, natural computation, security, and graphics & visualization. The Computer Science College, one of the top 15 departments in the country, contains more than 10 research facilities. Additionally, it offers robotics and system research consortiums that unite scientists from business to work together on developing cutting-edge technologies and its considered one of the best universities in USA for MS in Computer Science.

15.) University of Illinois 

The college assists students in learning more about virtual reality, social computing, and data science while they develop their foundational skills in computer science. Additionally, graduate students are permitted to create and manage their own projects. The college carries out research in the areas of AI, bioinformatics, parallel computing, computer architecture, and interactive computing. Additionally, the Illinois computer science & engineering organizations, technical workshops, and industrial partnerships provide students tremendous chances for professional development and its considered one of the best universities in USA for MS in Computer Science.

16.) University of Pennsylvania 

Future leaders, business owners, inventors, and visionaries may be found at Penn Engineering's Department of Computer Information and Science. An intensive education in computer science fundamentals is provided by the Ivy League institution, as well as competence in the building and analysis of complex networks. It also examines robotic systems, dynamics, machine learning, and computer vision. At Pennsylvania, there are several theoretical and practical research possibilities. include graphics, bioinformatics, network security, natural language, and multidisciplinary partnerships with subjects like genetics and linguistics. Leading-edge research is influenced by the institute's synergy, making it a stimulating environment.

17.) University of Southern California 

One of the greatest settings for multidisciplinary research and international collaboration in the US is provided by the Viterbi School of Engineering at USC. The college offers computer science degrees with specialisations in computer engineering, games, and business administration for bachelor's degrees and intelligent robotics, creative technology, simulations, game development, and multimedia for master's degrees, hosting more than three thousand students each term. The institution, in collaboration with a number of organisations, is making strides in the fight against HIV, using artificial intelligence to disaster preparedness, and assisting the government in resolving practical data science issues. Additionally, USC has made a number of online and K12 programmes accessible so that students are not required to attend classes on campus.

18.) Yale University 

The graduate programme provides specialties in more than twenty areas, as opposed to the undergraduate program's combination of the degree with engineering, mathematics, or psychology. Although the Yale Department of Computer Science has long had strong linkages to mathematics and engineering, it has also been working more and more closely with other academic fields including psychology, linguistics, commerce, music, statistics, and medicine and its considered one of the best universities in USA for MS in Computer Science. The department carries out research in many different fields, including artificial intelligence, robotics, computer vision, neural networks, and many more. Additionally, complexity theory, algorithms, cryptography, distributed computing, discrete mathematics, mechanism design, and other areas of computer research are studied at Yale.

19.) The University of Chicago 

The University of Chicago is a centre for cutting-edge data and computers. Additionally, they have a data centre, the centre for data and computing, the department of computer science, enlarged research labs, and media arts. The university is well-known for its graduate programmes in public policy, computational analytics, and computer science. Additionally, the institution has been increasing the number of research students in each college. The computer science department undertakes research in a number of areas, including artificial intelligence (AI), human-computer interface (HCI), programming languages, scientific computing, security and privacy, and visual computing, using more than ten labs on campus. The institution is also very important in the fields of fintech, urban studies, and quantum computing.

20.) The University of Michigan 

Computer science, computer engineering, and data science graduate and undergraduate degrees are available. The University of Michigan provides significant contributions to research and instruction in the field of computer science as a result of partnerships with tech behemoths, startups, and laboratories. The Computer Science and Engineering College of Michigan seeks to significantly advance the area of data science via instruction, research, entrepreneurship, and cooperation. AI, chip design & architecture, data mining, automated reasoning, human-computer interaction, networking systems, robotics, security, and parallel computing are among the research specialties of the University of Michigan. Additionally, these initiatives are multidisciplinary, future-focused, and beneficially connected to business and government and its considered one of the best universities in USA for MS in Computer Science.


A master's in computer science can open up a variety of job options. An individual with a degree from best universities in USA for MS in Computer Science might anticipate making between $80,000 and $140,000 annually. Since the US is home to some of the top IT organizations in the world, there are many career options for computer science graduates. The fields of advertising, IT, finance, engineering, and management frequently have some of the best paid positions. Thus students who want to pursue their Masters in Computer Science in the USA can blindly trust the education system there and enroll in the top Universities for a better life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I start a career in computer science?

You must first earn your bachelor's degree if you want to pursue a profession in computer science. then concentrate on your chosen speciality. The biggest thing that might raise your profile is studying more about codding and developing your talents in its many languages. The last stage is to put your abilities to the test by looking for internships or jobs.

Some of the positions with the highest salaries for MS in Computer Science are:

1. The average annual salary for a software architect is $125,328.
2. The typical yearly wage for software developers is $107,510
3. The average annual salary for UNIX system administrators is $103,273.
4. The typical yearly wage for a security engineer is $99,834.

A Ph.D. in computer science is the highest degree available in the field.


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