What is AP examination?Does it help in getting into Ivy Leagues or some other prestigious schools?
Asked by Rohini about 2 years ago
Study Abroad Expert
Advanced Placement (AP) exams are college-level examinations that allow students to earn college credits. They look good on college applications and can save time and money for students. But there are a few things you should be aware of. There are numerous types of AP exams, each with its own set of requirements. Every year in May, AP exams are administered. Many high schools and exam centres administer AP exams. Inquire with a teacher or school counsellor if your school offers AP exams. Teams of AP teachers and college professors create and score AP exams. Most colleges in the United States give credit, advanced placement, or both for qualifying AP scores. Taking a large number of AP classes and scoring well on AP exams improves students' chances of admission to colleges, including Ivy League schools. If you have any further questions just ask me.