I wanna study abroad. I have completed my graduation this year. I am a bit confused between Canada, Germany & Australia. Please help?

Asked by Ishwar Kumar Tandon about 2 years ago

Answers 1

I understand that it is a bit difficult to choose the country for your studies abroad, even more when the options are all excellent. So here’s a list of points that you can consider for choosing your ideal country: 

1. What is your field of interest?

Different countries offer different costs and programs for various fields. Based on the course, you can make a better decision as to which destination best fits your goals. 

2.  What is the visa process for the country?

Some countries like Canada have an immigration-friendly work permit program along with a post-graduation work permit program. Getting a PR in countries like Canada, Australia, Germany, New Zealand is a lot easier. 

3. How affordable is the country?

 For this, you must take into account-

* Tuition fee

* Accommodation and food costs

* Charges for taking entrance test/exams (GRE, TOEFL, GMAT, IELTS)

* Cost of transportation

* Miscellaneous expenses like costs of buying books, paying for WiFi, laundry bills, etc.

* Scholarships offered

If you want a school list ideal for your profile and preferences to make this easier for yourself, just check out the FREE School Explore Tool here. 


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