I have 13 backlogs in my bachelor i.e BTech in ECE but I want to do Masters in IT abroad. Please suggest what to do?

Asked by Hruday almost 2 years ago

Answers 2
Vinamra Jain

Vinamra Jain

CSE undergrad student | Minor in Communication

It does not make a huge difference to your profile if you wish to switch from ECE to IT in your masters but the factor that is a bit problematic is your backlog. I’m not saying that you don’t have a chance but considering the number of backlogs you have, your options are definitely limited. You need to thus look for universities that accept these many backlogs and have a relatively high acceptance rate. 

You can look at a list of universities with a relatively high acceptance rate like - 

1. University of Illinois

2. Arizona State University

3. University of Delaware

4. Michigan State University

5. Texas A&M University

While this is just a general list, you can definitely get more universities that have a higher acceptance rate.

What you also need to keep in mind is that these universities have various other judging parameters like extracurricular achievements, work experience, entrance exam scores etc. which help them figure out if you are the right fit for their university. I know that the bachelor grade requirement is also set but if you have all these other factors in your profile, it would surely give you an edge.

Why don't you tell me more about your profile? Maybe then I would be able to check if your overall profile matches the requirements of these universities or any other universities that you wish to target for that matter. 


Nityam Raghvan

Nityam Raghvan

MentR-Me Team

Navigating towards a Masters in IT with a background of 13 backlogs in your BTech requires a strategic approach. Firstly, prioritize clearing your backlogs, as a cleaner academic transcript will broaden your options for international studies. Once you have addressed your academic records, focus on institutions that are known for their holistic review processes—those that consider the entirety of a candidate's profile beyond just academic grades. 

Simultaneously, enhance your profile by engaging in IT-related work or research. This demonstrates your genuine interest and commitment to the field, making you a more attractive candidate despite past academic setbacks. Additionally, invest time in preparing a strong statement of purpose and securing impactful letters of recommendation. Both of these can significantly weigh in your favor by highlighting your dedication, resilience, and professional aspirations in IT. 

Furthermore, explore universities that offer foundation courses or have bridging programs specifically designed to help students transition into graduate studies. This can not only provide you with the necessary academic preparation but also improve your eligibility for your preferred Masters program. Remember, thorough research and tailored applications to programs that fit your improved profile are key to enhancing your chances of admission.


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