How to know my eligibility of scholarship?How much amount will i get through scholarship?

Asked by Saniya Sreejith almost 2 years ago

Answers 2
Divyakshi  Gupta

Divyakshi Gupta

Study Abroad Expert

While it is unlikely that you will receive a completely financed scholarship, you can search for scholarships that will pay the majority of your costs. Here is a list of the top 5 scholarships, along with a description of all they cover.

Chevening Scholarship 

Funded by the UK government, the scholarship rewards up to £18,000 (INR 18,00,000). The acceptance rate for the Chevening Scholarship is around 3%. As an example in 2019, of the 63000 applicants, only 1800 were awarded the scholarship. 


Fulbright Nehru Master’s fellowship 

The scholarship covers - a J-1 USA student visa support facility, economic class flight fares (round trip from the student’s hometown to the institution in the USA), 75%tuition fees, accident and sickness coverage as per the U.S. Government guidelines. 

The scholarship is awarded to just 4000 international students each year. 


Vanier Graduate Scholarships

Funded by the Canadian government, this scholarship grants CAD 50000 which is roughly 30 Lakhs INR. While the number of scholarships granted is 166, they have a pretty competitive review process, making it tough for you to get into that number of 166 selected students. 

Commonwealth Scholarship 

Apart from the tuition fees, it covers airfare from the home country to the UK and return. The UK government also gives you a living allowance worth GBP 1084 per month. But the catch here is that this scholarship is awarded to ONLY 700 students each year, and the no. of applications is easily 90 Thousand to a Lakh.  

Charles Wallace India Trust Scholarship

Only 10 long term grants are awarded each year which cover tuition fees, and will also contribute GBP 600 towards your international travel. But do you see, just 10 grants a year! 


As previously said, these scholarships have a quite low acceptance rate, so you need to be certain that your profile satisfies their standards. Not all schools in a country will accept a single award, and different countries provide various scholarships. The argument is that the scholarships accepted would differ between nations, universities, programmes, etc.

So factors like your desired country, school, program, all of it will help you find the right scholarship for you. 

I suggest your directly get in touch with Study Abroad Experts here. They will analyse your profile and help you with relevant information about the scholarships that you are eligible for. They will also assist you for the entire process for FREE. 

Hope this helps!

Yash Mothia

Yash Mothia

MentR-Me Team

Yes, you can pursue a master’s in computer science or data analytics with a background in management studies. This interdisciplinary approach is increasingly valued in today’s data-driven world, where management skills combined with technical proficiency can lead to impactful careers.

First, review the admission requirements of the programs you are interested in. You may need to take some foundational courses in computer science, mathematics, or statistics, as these are crucial for understanding technical concepts in both computer science and data analytics.

Many universities welcome students from diverse academic backgrounds and appreciate the different perspectives they bring. To strengthen your application, consider taking online courses in relevant subjects and obtaining certifications in programming languages or analytical tools. This will not only prepare you academically but also show your initiative and dedication to mastering new skills.

When applying, it’s important to articulate clearly in your statement of purpose how your background in management and your interest in technology intersect, and how this combination drives your career goals. Highlight any management projects or roles where you leveraged data analysis or technology to achieve results. This practical link between your past education and future aspirations can make your application stand out.



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