Top PGDM Interview Questions and Answers

Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) is a two-year business management program that meets industry requirements and aids management aspirants in the development of essential hard and soft skills to become management professionals who are prepared for corporate.

It is a diploma program rather than a degree program because only institutions under the control of the University Grants Commission (UGC) are authorized to provide degrees.

Diplomas rather than degrees may be granted by standalone private business schools and private business schools primarily supervised by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).

Because the PGDM Syllabus is market and industry-focused, many working professionals and students favor this management degree. The course adapts its curriculum to reflect the most recent market trends. Most MBA candidates want to work in a high-profile managerial role for a multinational corporation.

Many of them seek employment that will provide them with numerous opportunities to demonstrate their aptitude and abilities, broaden their knowledge and reasoning, and satiate their competitive spirit.

With classes on several business activities, including Marketing, Operations, Finance, Business Analytics, HR, and Organizational Behavior, the PGDM curriculum prepares students for this. To develop progressive and mature leaders, the program also teaches students soft skills like teamwork and communication.

Why should you choose PGDM?

PGDM is a highly challenging and rigorous course for individuals who desire to pursue jobs in the management industry. The needs of Organizations, Institutions, Companies, etc., are likewise transforming due to the world's continuous change. Worldwide, there is a significant need for managers, leaders, functional heads, and specialized executives.

  • Any recent graduate may pursue this course: The PGDM Syllabus is intended to mold the careers of students in any sector. Students holding a Bachelor's Degree in any area and the qualifying percentage can enroll in the PGDM program to further their professional development.
  • Multidisciplinary Degree: The Postgraduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) is an integrated course that combines management, accounting, economics, and other streams to fulfill market demands. Instead of only being proficient in one area, the PGDM program provides the students with a broad range of knowledge and skills.
  • Future Managers: The need for competent managers is growing in the nation daily. Organizations frequently spend significant money on their employees' training and development to fulfill the industry standards. The PGDM program equips students to meet the contemporary needs of industries and markets.
  • Leverage Current Salary or Job Position: The PGDM program aids students in moving up the professional ladder. It provides salary increments, promotions, CV enhancements, and many other benefits by keeping up with current market demands.

What's the difference between MBA and PGDM?

The fundamental distinction between the two programs is that the PGDM is a diploma program while the MBA is a degree program. Unlike MBA courses, which are more theoretical, PGDM courses are industry-focused.

PGDM places a greater emphasis on industry exposure, mentoring, and grooming programs. Additionally, PGDM programs offer more rigorous placement services.

Even though there are certain differences between the ways that the MBA and PGDM are structured, the end goal is to prepare the student for the workplace. Here are a few basic differences between the two programs -

Course name

  • MBA: Master in Business Administration
  • PGDM: Post Graduate Diploma in Management


  • MBA: Degree
  • PGDM: Diploma


  • MBA: 2 years
  • PGDM: Can be either one or two years


  • MBA: Graduate from any UG stream from a recognized university with a minimum of 50% aggregate marks
  • PGDM: Graduate from any UG stream from a recognized university with a minimum of 50% aggregate marks


  • MBA: INR 16.5 lacs (average)
  • PGDM: INR 15 lacs (average)


  • MBA: UGC

How to Get Ready for Interviews (Basics Etiquette)

Interview etiquette might mean the difference between passing and failing an interview. Whether you're a seasoned professional, a student, or reentering the industry, it's a good idea to refresh the foundations of interview etiquette. Here are some pointers to help you shine on the big day:


  • Prepare: During an interview, you will be asked a few of the frequently asked questions like your introduction, goals, strengths, weaknesses, etc. Therefore, be ready with thoughtful responses to these classic questions and additional interview questions frequently asked in your industry. Practice speaking your responses aloud while facing the mirror. You will be able to think more clearly and feel much more at ease during the interview as a result of your preparation.
  • Research is important: Check out the program brochures and the university's website. Make sure you know the basics of the university and the program you are applying to. Be ready to respond to any inquiries about the organization, and be sure to include the information you have learned in your responses. This will demonstrate to the interviewer your interest in and commitment to the program you are applying for. Throughout the interview, casually bring up specifics to show that you are interested.
  • Review Body Language: Be conscious of the message you're conveying by your stance and posture, and make sure it's positive. For instance, sitting with your arms and legs crossed conveys that you are protective or closed off. Your lack of confidence may be indicated if you conduct the entire interview with your hands folded on your lap. Additionally, twirling your hair can make you appear tense or young. Hold your head high and bring your shoulders back as you enter the building. Your posture and gait will help you come off as confident and professional. Before the interview, you might want to practice this walk to make it feel more natural. Sit straight-backed and with your shoulders open while you wait for your interviewers. You can put your hands on the armrests or your lap. Feet crossed at the ankles or flat on the ground. Avoid using your phone so that you may maintain open body language and concentrate on being present. You don't want to appear weighed down or chaotic, so bring your belongings in a bag or portfolio that you can easily grasp and that can neatly contain everything you need.
  • Be Presentable: Make sure you look your best at the interview because it might be your last opportunity to make an impression on the decision-maker in person. It's usually preferable to overdress than underdress, but before you enter the building, do some research to learn about the corporate dress code. Dress formally and avoid loud colors. Make sure you are presentable from head to toe - including your hair and shoes. Also, avoid clanging bracelets, heavy perfume, and dangling earrings.
  • Show respect to everyone you encounter: This holds in all facets of life, including the context of an interview. Make a point to behave respectfully from the moment you step outside your house on the day of the interview. Plan for how you'll conduct yourself professionally and treat everyone in the office with respect. Security guards, receptionists, and anybody else you encounter on your route to the interview room may be asked to provide comments on you.
  • Perfect your introductions: If the interviewer comes up to you when you are seated, get up and greet them. You should be firm but not overly stiff while accepting a handshake. Ensure that your hand is not limp. While being questioned and when responding, maintain eye contact. It's not necessary to maintain constant or overly intense eye contact. Strategically employ it to show that you're paying attention or to draw attention to a crucial topic. You want to show the interviewer that you are completely focused on them and in the present moment.
  • Smile: Yes, there is a lot of pressure during an interview, but you won't get any points if you freeze up or appear uneasy during the few crucial minutes you have to impress. Smiling naturally (without tightly closing your lips) will make you appear confident, friendly, and approachable.
  • Accept the Glass of Water: Even if you're not thirsty, accept the glass of water your interviewer offers you. This simple prop can give you a moment to collect your thoughts or buy you some time to think through a challenging question.

Degrees and skills required for the job

Course eligibility for PGDM

To get admitted to a PGDM program at any college, you must meet specific requirements. Each college has its own set of requirements for admission. However, the following are some standard ones. -

  • For students to be admitted to a college for a PGDM course, they must have earned a bachelor's degree with at least an average of 50 percent marks.
  • You might have taken any course in your 12th grade from any accredited institution or institute.
  • There is no upper age limit for applicants to PGDM programs.
  • If there is an entrance test for a particular college, students must pass it.
  • Aside from a full-time PGDM program, you can pursue PGDM distance education. There are more college alternatives with remote education because it enables a person to work and study at the same time, allowing them to keep up on the subject without quitting their job. Notably, remote education PGDM course costs are considerably cheaper.

Another choice is to take PGDM classes online. Such courses are available on many online platforms, and they might be useful if you are a professional trying to advance your knowledge and abilities. Travel time is reduced, and online PGDM courses cost less than traditional ones. It also provides you with a better knowledge of current trends in the industry.

Skills Required to Take Admission in PGDM

Universities demand that applicants have a fundamental understanding of certain skills. Although these abilities will be developed during the course, candidates must have a grounding in them because those who do will be given preference. These skills are as follows:


Communication skills are the most important requirement for admission to a PGDM program since they help you and other people absorb information more clearly and properly. You should practice your communication skills if you plan to apply for admission to a PGDM program to make it easier to coordinate with others.

Good communication abilities will help you get into school and do better in both your personal and professional lives. People and organizations both depend on effective communication to function and survive.

Team Management

Managing a sizable group of people in the corporate world necessitates a high degree of coordination. In this situation, team management talent is most needed. As a result, even though students will acquire these abilities during their PGDM course, the PGDM institutes want the students to have team management skills.

Employees are a company's most valuable asset in business; thus, understanding team development and management is crucial. Effective communication skills are crucial for team management, which implies that these abilities are interconnected.

Business Analytic Skills

Business analysis is crucial for students hoping to pursue a PGDM from a business perspective. Business analytics is a vital skill if you want to work as a manager in the corporate sector. Business analytics is very important in small, medium, and large associations to gain insights and enhance business processes.

As a result, the PGDM institutes require applicants to have some business analytics background. To improve your chances of admission, you should learn some fundamental concepts regarding business analytics before applying.

Strategic Thinking

The PGDM program strongly emphasizes strategic thinking, and one of the key goals of the degree has always been to help you transition from a functional to a "big picture" role. In this course, you learn to think more like a manager than a functional-level employee.

This makes sure you approach everything you encounter from a managerial perspective. Using strategic thinking, you can create long-term plans for the organization's future, deal with competitors proactively, etc.

Due to the curriculum's emphasis on practical knowledge, a PGDM course will provide you with the tools you need to think strategically. You will learn these skills through the analysis and resolution of case studies.

Thinking strategically leverages a company's resources and adds value to it. Consequently, to be admitted, PGDM universities require applicants to possess some fundamental strategic thinking skills.

Leadership Potential

Having effective leadership abilities in the workplace promotes employee performance and career advancement. Leading requires a lot of self-awareness, self-control, self-consciousness, etc. As a result, PGDM colleges require that their students possess strong leadership qualities.

Interpersonal Skills

Soft skills have risen to the top of recruiters' lists in recent years. Naturally, interpersonal skills are a must for anyone in a leadership position, which is why the PGDM curriculum places the most emphasis on them.

Engaging in conversations, debates, presentations, etc., is encouraged. Your ability to effectively communicate your thoughts to clients or coworkers will help you maintain excellent communication and come across as a confident individual.

Interpersonal abilities are further important for networking. You can only expand your company's horizons and be aware of the prospects in the market if you know how to network effectively.

Entrepreneurship abilities

Entrepreneurial aptitude is the capacity to analyze the market, identify a requirement gap, and evaluate it sufficiently to know whether it's worth filling and whether the creativity and resources required to complete it are important to a business that focuses on being dynamic and developing over time.

With numerous business incubation competitions, best startup concept events, etc., a PGDM course helps you develop the entrepreneur within you.

Interview Questions

Your PGDM admission process concludes with an interview, which is also its most important step. This is the phase in which college admissions officials will sit down with you to learn about your talents and capabilities to determine whether you are a good fit for their university.

The recruiters are interested in learning why you want a PGDM and how it will advance your career. These PGDM interview questions can be challenging, but you can ace them with proper preparation.

Some Basic Interview Questions

Here are a few most commonly asked questions in the interview round of PGDM and tips on how to answer them -

Tell me about yourself / Give a brief introduction of yourself

Answer this question by explaining your background, experience, and accomplishments. State all the information succinctly and chronologically. Do not take too long for this question, and limit your response to 2 - 3 minutes. While answering this question, make sure to incorporate the following points in your answer-

  • Your undergraduate experience and the reasons you choose your major.
  • Occupational history and achievements, both past and current.
  • Your professional goals and the approach you've taken to figure out what's most important to you in your field of choice.

Why do you want to pursue PGDM?

Describe your motivations for pursuing a PGDM and how it will help you accomplish your professional objectives. Put special emphasis on the skills you wish to improve and how they connect to the industry, profession, or area that interests you. Also, include why did you decide to pursue this degree now?

Your response to this question should be well-researched, comprehensive, and appropriately convey your desire to enroll in the course.

This question may alternatively be posed as, "Why PGDM and not MBA?" In that case, you will need to respond by describing how the two programs vary and how the PGDM program at the particular university supports your academic, professional, and personal goals.

Instead of arguing that one program is superior to another, focus your response on how your chosen program will help you achieve your objectives.

What made you decide to enroll in this program/college?

This interview question may be asked directly or along the lines of "why you're interested in this program or field." To answer this question:

  • Frame your response around you on all the factors that make the college or program the best fit for you.
  • Include factors like faculty, culture, curriculum, connections in the industry, and job placement.
  • Give specific examples of the qualities that make the college or program unique and explain your interest in them. Your answer will help the interviewer picture you as a prospective college student.

Why should we accept you?

Interviewers aim to put you on the spot by asking why the college should choose you for the program. Use the question to show that you can manage the subject at hand with corroborating incidences to back up your words.

Mention your accomplishments, draw attention to the skills you've honed so far in your career, and describe how your background in academia and the workplace will also benefit others in the program.

Have you ever held positions of responsibility? If so, briefly describe your leadership accomplishments.

Management school interviewers seek future capable executives. List all the instances where you have demonstrated leadership in your professional, volunteer, or academic positions.

Talk about the initiatives you oversaw and the results you got. What part did your abilities play in the scenario, and what leadership lessons did you gain along the way?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Your strengths and weaknesses may be asked as two separate questions or a single question that covers both. The interviewer, in any case, is looking for indications of your integrity and self-awareness.

So start by outlining your shortcomings, perhaps by telling a tale of how you overcome a particular weakness or what you are doing to overcome it.

From there, start talking about your strengths: Pick one or two that you believe set you apart from the competition and support them with real examples. You can also start by telling about a personal trait and how it contributed to favorable results.

What are your immediate and long-term professional goals?

Interviewers always inquire about your professional ambitions in one way or another because they want to know what you plan to do with your PGDM degree.

Start by separating your goals into "short-term" and "long-term" categories. Describe your goals for each category, why they are important to you, how you plan to achieve them, and how your current employment and educational decisions will help you do so.

Talk about how your short-term goals will assist you in achieving your long-term goal after introducing it. Be explicit about your goals. Make sure to highlight your PGDM-related abilities and job opportunities. Include the specifics of your career goals, reasons for these goals, and action plan in your answer.

What academic experience have you had so far that has been the most gratifying or challenging?

Consider your favorite (or least favorite) instructors, classes, projects, and groups from your undergraduate career. If you're going to talk about a difficulty you encountered, explain how you overcame it and used the experience to your advantage.

If you're describing a rewarding situation, be sure to include why it was rewarding and what you learned as a result.

What about your current job do you like best?

This is a time to bring up a subject that interests you in the conversation. Why did you choose that particular career route, and what do you appreciate about your job?

What about your current work do you find satisfying or rewarding? You should be able to list at least one benefit of your current situation, even if you don't like it; this demonstrates your ability to see the good in difficulties.

Do you work well with others? Describe.

Both leadership qualities and supportive abilities are essential. You should come across as flexible but firm. Remember to support your points with specific examples.

What would your friends, coworkers, and boss think of you?

Put both your professional and personal qualities into focus. If they say supervisor, it's most likely the person who submitted your letter of recommendation. Avoid making things up as a result since any inaccuracies could raise questions. Try to present an authentic image of yourself here.

If you could change something at work, what would it be?

Describe the improvements you would make to the workplace. Make sure to keep your suggestions professional; consider forming a new team within your company or approaching a different sector. This demonstrates your creativity and business acumen, which can benefit a company.

What do you anticipate will be your toughest hurdle if you are accepted into our program?

Show that you understand the program's requirements and are prepared to meet them in response to interview questions like these. Be honest, describe how you'll handle the situation, and demonstrate that you're considering how to use your time and resources effectively.

How will you make effective use of the resources we offer?

You have the opportunity to show the interviewer your knowledge of their PGDM program and how you intend to use your knowledge and skills to advance your career by answering this question. The departments that run PGDM programs value student achievement because it reflects well on the program as a whole.

Display to the interviewer your knowledge of their program and why it will be valuable. Responding to this question will involve a far more thorough assessment of the department and the resources it offers.

If you haven't done your research, the interviewer or admissions committee will immediately write you off as not being very interested in the program.

What do you think your greatest challenge in this program would be?

In this interview question, you have the opportunity to prove that you are aware of the expectations of a PGDM program and that you are confident in your ability to meet those demands. Use this question as a chance to demonstrate your vulnerability and how it can help you.

Show that you are prepared to face the impending possible difficulties by indicating that you are aware of them.

Be honest, describe how you'll handle the situation, and explain that you're considering how to use your time and resources effectively. Give instances of how you might use the tools offered by this particular application in clubs, study groups, etc.

What are your personal views on diversity, and how will you add to the incoming new class?

Nowadays, the majority of PGDM programs work to encourage diversity and inclusion among their cohorts and look for applicants who share these values and can contribute to their advancement.

So, be prepared for inquiries like this regarding diversity and how it relates to your own life. You have the advantage of deciding how you approach this subject and what you want to talk about because this is a fairly open-ended question.

Some Tricky Interview Questions and how to answer them

In PGDM interviews, interviewers enjoy posing challenging questions. These questions frequently leave applicants scrambling for an answer or leading them in the wrong direction.

Although these questions might not come up in every interview, being ready for them is always preferable to fumbling for an answer or falling for the interviewer's trap during the interview. Here are a few tricky questions asked during the interview and tips on how to answer them -

Describe a moral dilemma you encountered at work.

The interviewer wants to see if you have strong moral convictions and whether you have the skills to handle these situations. Explaining how you handled the circumstance and the course of action you took to the interviewer will demonstrate your maturity and tact in handling the problem and your moral compass.

Describe your experience working under a poor manager.

The interviewer wants to see if you are a people person who can deal with tough coworkers and classmates if enrolled in the PGDM program.

Therefore, keep any resentment from your encounter with a bad manager at bay while responding to the inquiry, and make an effort to demonstrate your capacity for empathy and consideration for others.

Describe a workplace conflict and your role in it.

The interviewer tests your emotional intelligence and the impression you offer others about your firm and coworkers with these types of questions. Someone cannot be singled out for blame in a dispute since doing so would be equivalent to putting them in danger.

You can't claim that you played no part in it and that only other people were involved because that would imply that your employer doesn't value you highly enough. You must demonstrate that you were able to perceive the conflict from both sides.

Naturally, you must not indicate that the conflict was your fault. Having an example on hand pays well. Describe the conflict's participants, the resolution method, your involvement, and the result.

How has it influenced the way you lead? Show what you learned from how the disagreement was resolved. Did you manage to mediate another issue using what you learned?

Describe a circumstance in which you showed tolerance for a viewpoint that differed from your own.

Scenario-based questions elicit specifics from your prior experiences so that the interviewers may assess how you might act in various scenarios.

The majority of people have encountered situations in their lives where they had to deal with others' differing opinions on different occasions. It is difficult to choose the perfect instance to discuss in your interview.

Just keep in mind that the interviewer's goal with this question is to learn more about your interpersonal and communication abilities. One of any management student's greatest qualities is their ability to work well in a team and with others.

Try to recall a circumstance that demonstrated these traits in you. Give background information about the incident and describe the scene and the two opposing points of view to start.

Then, describe how you responded to and handled the situation. Your conclusion should include the takeaways you learned from this encounter.

Counter questions regarding your hobbies or job.

You might be asked to go into more detail about a subject you mentioned as being personally interesting in an interview, or the interviewer might inquire about your prior job responsibilities or a significant position you held in your studies or career.

These could include inquiries like "What is your favorite book?" ' or 'Which book did you read most recently? ' or 'What genre of music do you enjoy? Share a story from when you served as the cultural liaison for your school or college.

The interviewer may be attempting to go deeper into your interests to put you at ease, or they may ask you the same to gather more information for subsequent discussion. The question could also be posed to check the accuracy of the information you have provided.

In interviews, always have evidence to support your assertions. Remember that you are attempting to present your best side in a personal interview. Don't exaggerate your hobbies. For instance, don't pretend to be an expert if you play the guitar purely for leisure and fun.

Have you applied to any other colleges or universities?

This is a tricky question. Do not interpret it as obnoxious or frank despite how it may appear. In response, list a few schools you're applying to and explain why you picked them. Avoid stating that you prefer one school over another, as this could backfire.

An admissions representative may make this inquiry to learn more about how you choose a school or program. You might have applied to several programs, even though universities prefer it when you simply apply to their program.

Make it abundantly clear in your interview why the program you are applying for is your first option, and discuss the factors you took into account.

Describe a time when you had a poor manager and what you did to handle it.

Another challenging question. It would be beneficial if you treated this subject without portraying your manager as incompetent or without denying that they were the source of such behavior and that you handled it in a non-aggressive manner. This will demonstrate your personal and professional development and maturity.

Do you have any questions or concerns about the university or the program?

If you are permitted to ask about the course or the application process, have at least one or two thoughtful questions ready for the interviewer. Sincere questions reveal your curiosity and prior study.

Ask in-depth questions about topics as you converse to show that you are paying attention to what is being said.

Asking questions that can be addressed by looking at the school's website or marketing materials can undermine your chances of getting the job by giving the impression that you are unprepared.


  • What distinguishes this PGDM program from others, in your opinion?
  • What are the current challenges that you perceive for this program?
  • Do you anticipate any significant program modifications shortly?
  • How does your program establish and maintain connections with recruitment partners? What sectors employ graduates of your program?
  • What are the major benefits of your program for me, in light of what you now know about my objectives?

Additional questions that can be asked during the interview

  • How would you define yourself in five words?
  • How would your supervisor describe you in brief?
  • What distinguishing quality or talent do you possess that sets you apart from your peers?
  • What is the first thing someone notices about you when they meet you?
  • What are the three most significant choices you've ever made?
  • Describe three current developments in your field.
  • What do you envision the state of your industry to be in ten years? What notable changes do you anticipate taking place?
  • What is the most urgent problem impacting your industry?
  • What remedy do you propose?
  • What five qualities are necessary for effective management in your industry?
  • What do you expect your life to look like in five, ten, and twenty years?
  • How do your training and skills assist you in accomplishing the goals of your position?
  • How do you want to be perceived in your field or functional area?
  • Why don't you maintain your existing position and work toward your professional objectives?
  • Why enroll in a PGDM program?
  • What particular skills would you wish to develop to accomplish your post-PGDM goals?
  • What would you do if, following your PGDM, you were unable to achieve your desired outcome?
  • What businessperson around the world do you most admire?
  • Which five qualities do you think are necessary for a successful business leader?
  • In your opinion, how can a global perspective help corporate management in the current climate?
  • What does leadership mean to you?
  • What effect have the socioeconomic developments of today had on you and your way of thinking?
  • Which recent international development has changed how you view leadership? How?
  • What are the top five benefits you anticipate from a PGDM?
  • Give an example of when you displayed leadership.
  • Describe a situation where you had to make a moral choice. What was the answer?
  • Describe a life-changing event. Why do you think that?
  • Give an example of a failure and the lessons you took away from it.
  • Give an example of a time you had to overcome adversity.
  • Give an example of how you handled an interpersonal dispute while collaborating with a diverse group.
  • Why did you change careers?
  • Why is it that you don't have as much experience as the rest of the class?
  • Imagine that the people who are recommending you haven't collaborated with you in a managerial
  • capacity in a while. What made you submit a letter of recommendation from them?
  • If you have a history of academic misconduct or convictions, what caused it, and how did you get over it?

Things to consider when structuring your responses to these questions

Most of these questions are variations of the questions already discussed above, and the points you need to answer them will be pretty similar. There are a few trick questions in the list, and they have no right or wrong answers.

There may be some technical questions that the interviewer might ask, but all those questions will be related to the field that you come from. Just refresh your knowledge before the interview, and you will be set. Aside from this, there will only be some general knowledge-based questions based on current affairs.

While there are questions that might require direct answers, for others, you might need to formulate your answer in a story format, especially the ones based on behavior. So, keep the following things in mind while forming your answers to ace your interview -

  • Concentrate on the positive: Describe recent events that demonstrated your positive behaviors in terms of your academic performance, professional experience, leadership, teamwork, initiative, planning, and client service.
  • Give each storyline a start, middle, and finish: Prepare yourself to explain circumstances, including the assigned task, your actions, and the results and outcomes.
  • Be truthful: Don't omit details or inflate your tale or responses.
  • Be precise: Don't generalize the number of incidents. Instead, provide in-depth descriptions of relevant events or examples.
  • Try different examples: Don't draw all of your examples from a single aspect of your life.
  • Prepare questions in advance: Perform research on each university you are applying to for a PGDM program well before the interview and prepare questions specific to that university.
  • Apply the STAR approach: You can respond to questions with a behavioral focus more successfully by using the STAR approach, which is a structured interview response strategy. When you are asked about past decisions you made, use this technique to respond.
    • Situation: Describe the surroundings of the difficulty you encountered or the circumstance you found yourself in. Don't give a generic account of your prior accomplishments; instead, be as precise and thorough as you can.
    • Task: Specify your position or area of responsibility in the circumstance. What were you trying to accomplish?
    • Action: Describe the specific steps you took to control the circumstance or meet the challenge. Make sure to maintain the spotlight on you, the exact actions you performed, and your unique contribution.
    • Result: Describe the result that was attained as a direct consequence of your actions, and don't be hesitant to take credit. How did everything finally come to an end? What did you decide to do? What did you realize? Ensure your response is effective.

Make sure you adhere to every aspect of the STAR technique. Always be as specific as you can, but avoid deviating from the subject or giving out excessive details. The STAR method's results section is frequently overlooked. Don't wait for your interviewer to remind you to mention this.

Additionally, be prepared to support any claims you make. If the interviewer suspects you of lying or of not being confident in your responses, there may be a lot of follow-up questions. Ensure you don't mention something you can't explain throughout the interview.

Miscellaneous Questions

  • What name would you give a biopic about you if one were to be made?
  • Prove that you're not arrogant.
  • Describe your job to an eight-year-old.
  • What would you do if a lion walked into this room at this very moment?
  • What lies do your friends believe about you, and why?
  • Describe one aspect of this university that I don't know about.

These questions are extremely unlikely to be asked. You must examine the questions and use your analysis and experience to formulate your response.

These types of questions are just intended to test your presence of mind. There are no predetermined solutions to these questions, and you can use your imagination to come up with responses that justify the question. Whatever response you come up with, just make sure to present it confidently.


Practice indeed makes perfect when it comes to interviews, and knowing the ground rules beforehand is a wonderful place to start. It is preferable to prepare some responses before the interview.

Not in the sense that you record it and memorize it, but rather in the sense that you have a few pre-selected subjects, successes, failures, and anecdotes to share. Stressing out over an interview might have a detrimental impact.

It is far better to approach it like a discussion, to always be nice, and to put your best foot forward. Make sure your answers accurately reflect your abilities and enthusiasm for the business sector by thinking them through carefully.

The anxiousness may not completely go away if you do that, but your interview will certainly go well! Be prepared, confident, and true to yourself, and you will do great. All the best!

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