How to Write the Perfect LOR for MS, LOR Samples for MS

11 mins

A Letter of Recommendation (LOR) may seem like a simple document during your admission abroad in an MS program. However, students misunderstand that the LORs are not just an impartial evaluation. It's a statement as well. While submitting LORs, the committee considers your potential performance in given situations. You may believe how good a draft you can prepare for your senior to sign or edit. But when it is genuine, it's most relevant.

LOR is an integral element of a student's admission to an abroad program. If you are applying for a graduate program, say MS, the institute will ask you to submit several LORs based on the standard requirements. For instance, where Cornell University asks just for one LOR, other major institutes ask from 5-7 perfect LOR for MS. Rest assured, generally, the number remains fixed to - two.

Importance of LOR

A Letter of Recommendation (LOR) validates your achievements. The whole purpose is to get a third-person perspective of your standings, abilities and potential to perform. A perfect LOR for MS can tackle hindrances in your admission process. And as mainstream, as it sounds, it's pretty standard.

Students with a below-average score in standardized tests have been continuously instances making it through the admission process. A perfect LOR for MS is not only a requirement for admission to an abroad institute. GMAT/GRE scores, IELTS, GPA etc. There are tons to name. You need to distinguish the more essential elements so that you know what to focus more on if push comes to shove. A perfect LOR for MS can dim the attention on your a bit low grades.

A perfect LOR for MS does not only reflect your academic credentials; your attribute is also a part of it. Doing so, the institute hopes to find more about you to be distinguished from your peers. Records are essential, no doubts about it, though your overall performance during the MS program is also a factor to consider.

Format of LOR for MS

As a perfect LOR for MS or any other program contains various elements, the document is also formulated to maintain proper form. In general, a standard LOR is divided into three sections. The first and last sections often remain the same. However, the middle section is subject to vary as per the requirement and demands for the perfect LOR for MS. Here is a better representation:

  • Section one - introductory part (relevant to the applicant)
  • Section two - 2-3 paragraphs (varies)
  • Section three - conclusion

So accordingly, the recommender here starts with a formal introduction while mentioning the applicant and how they are connected. Then, the following paragraphs are subject to the applicant's overview, i.e. their abilities, skills, performance and necessary information. The details mentioned here are strict about remaining relevant. Finally, the last part concludes with a specific remark, if necessary.

Tips for a Perfect LOR for MS

Essential tips are not something you are new to. Of course, there are countless ways to prepare a perfect LOR for MS. However, it does not limit you to using relevant insights to make your better LOR a perfect LOR for MS. Preparing LOR and understanding it are two different things. Otherwise, an ordinary LOR can be used for multiple institutes. Like a Statement of Purpose (SOP), it differs according to the institute. Keep these tips in mind to prepare a perfect LOR for MS:

Selecting Recommender Should be Genuine

As essential to use the right things for your document, it is crucial to select the sound source. It can significantly decrease your efforts and extra concentration. Know that this part does not require brainstorming. If you must, close your eyes and analyze the best superior who knows you the most and is familiar with your traits. It is not a matter of your liking or personal connection with that individual.

It is frowned upon for students to write their perfect LOR for MS. However, students do it in many cases. Avoid it at all costs. Your perspective is not the same as a third person's perspective, even if you try to imitate a family member. And who knows, your LOR may suggest you aim for a different institute after all. It all depends on your traits and qualities.

Involvement of Science-Oriented Accomplishments

As you have guessed, yes, it is of utmost importance that you include as many scientific achievements as possible in your perfect LOR for MS. But do not overdo it. LOR is a complete guide to your personality, both academic and professional. So include the best possible ways to connect you to the subjects of the MS you are applying for.

A perfect LOR for MS does not have to be filled with the best accomplishments. As long as it is impressive and subject-related, you are good to go. And remember, a LOR is not asked to know your accomplishments but to consider how good you are for the particular MS program. If you like, the recommender can include a personal experience that strengthens your profile for the applied MS program.

Learn What to Highlight in Your LOR

While preparing the perfect LOR for MS, it can be not easy to include all of your traits and skills. After all, it would help if you had the institute to know all possible benefits you can bring to the table. In this case, rule out the less necessary details to be included in your LOR. So how do you do it? Well, for starters, let the other person decide to some extent.

The process can be more type of LOR-centric. For example, you can neglect the program and focus on whether the LOR is academic or professional. If academic, it is better to include skills that promote learning. On the other hand, a professional LOR can focus more on leadership, ambition, and cooperation skill-sets.

Use Active Voice as Much Possible

This should not be new information that active voice always builds more concentration. Using passive voice in your LOR will not result in a perfect LOR for MS. Like most documents, a perfect LOR for MS is a formal document. Please keep it in the recommended tone. The language approach used in the letter reflects the impression of the letter itself.

For instance, suppose reading these tips in Yoda's voice. It may seem overexposed to you, but the admission committee goes through thousands of applications. Therefore, try to avoid passive voice as much as possible. Moreover, through active voice, it is easier to emphasize a subject with more subtlety.

Relevancy for a Perfect LOR for MS

As many tips someone can give, RELEVANCE is the most important. And this goes for your Essays and SOP as well. Just like mentioned before, a perfect LOR for MS can overcome your lack of exceptional grades. Relevancy can overcome the lack of accomplishments in the perfect LOR for MS. Keep the LOR relevant to the program and institute, use proper skills to build subject-oriented advantages, make related information more critical to include in your perfect LOR for MS.

LOR Samples for MS

It is required that a LOR is to be prepared by a superior. It may be a headmaster, professor, manager, supervisor, etc., preparing your perfect LOR for MS. The requirements also differ based on your standings. For instance, if you are a student applying for an MS, one of your LOR must be academic. In contrast, all of your LORs can be professional if you are a working professional. Here are a few perfect LOR for MS samples:

1. Academic LOR sample (written by a headmaster) -

 Letter of Recommendation

As the headmaster, it is my pleasure to write a letter of recommendation for (applicant name). The fellow student started in 2009 with (recommender's institute name) and has been a contributing member ever since. I have been the headmaster of this organization for the last 12 years, and my recent qualification is PhD in linguistics from (institute name).

I have been associated with (applicant name) academic classes for four years. In academics and extracurriculars, (applicant name) has shown indications to be among the best students of the year cycle. I have a collective memory of the student building the very first impression by initiating a study plan for the entire class. And I am pleased to inform you that it has been going according to our expectations. Furthermore, I have had opportunities to teach physics to (applicant name) and have observed his ability to present new approaches to theories. The sincerity and diligence of (applicant name) are exceptional, and I can personally vouch for the value he/she brings to the table.

For the subject matter of studies, (applicant name) has demonstrated a commitment to the act. The initial effort from this student solely has presented evidence for his/her year-end merit scores. From time to time (applicant name) has stuck to the planned approach with differentiating techniques, studies, and curricula, resulting in an appreciation. Therefore, I could strongly recommend him/her as a confident fellow. In the current summer project plan of 2008-09, (applicant name) with a fellow partner student has achieved 2nd position among all competitive schools of the state. The winning project was a somewhat transcendent light simulation through various glass layers.

Apart from the academics, it's no wonder that (applicant name) has also performed exceptionally in sports, athletics, competitions, and optional projects. Mr./Mrs. (applicant name) has led 2 out of our 7 sports teams on a regional and national level. Mr./Mrs. (applicant name) has also contributed to implementing new web design concepts and improving the overall functionality of our organization's official online page.

To conclude, I am proud to announce (applicant name) as a consistent cog in this institute. I sincerely believe that a science-oriented master is the best fit for (applicant name), given records and performances. And if I can guarantee a trait in this particular student, it's total commitment. I believe he/she will be a valuable part of your institute with their skill-sets as it has been faithful to my organization. I will be pleased to provide any extra assistance if you need my side.


(recommender name)


(organization name)

(contact & email)

2. Professional LOR sample (written by a supervisor) - 

Letter of recommendation

As the team supervisor, it is my pleasure to write a letter of recommendation for (applicant name). The fellow worker started in 2009 with (recommender's firm/company name) and has been a contributing member ever since. I have been the team supervisor of this organization for the last eight years, and my recent accomplishment is implementing an advanced mode of nanotech.

I have been associated with (applicant name) academic classes for the past three years. In a profession and firm/company events, (applicant name) has shown indications to be among the best workers of the year. I have a collective memory of this fellow building the first impression by implementing a case study in the workspace. And I am pleased to inform you that it has been going according to our expectations. I have had opportunities to work with (applicant name) and have observed his ability to present new approaches to scientific theories. The sincerity and diligence of (applicant name) are exceptional, and I can personally vouch for the value he/she brings to the table.

With the two-week in joining, as a fresher (applicant name) has grasped most of the tasks and exercises of the assigned job. He/she has shown enough responsibility to work without regular supervision and still perform on expectations. From time to time (applicant name) has stuck to the planned approach with differentiating techniques and has worked to meet all targets. Therefore, I could strongly recommend him/her as a confident fellow. Mr./Mrs. has obtained a significant fund based on his/her research unit from our regular investors. Current developments are dynamic, and we are proud here at (recommender's firm/company name) to have a fellow that can adapt to these changes.

Excluding job tasks and targets, (applicant name) has been a quality part of our campaign team to promote new technologies in remote areas. The social responsibility of an individual is as important as a professional. And without a doubt (applicant name) has fulfilled his/her involvement in such activities.

To conclude, I am proud to announce (applicant name) as a consistent cog in this firm/company. I sincerely believe that a science-oriented master is the best fit for (applicant name), given records and performances. And if I can guarantee a trait in this particular student, its consistency in every aspect of given responsibilities. With their skill-sets, I believe he/she will be a valuable part of your institute as it has been true to my organization. Of course, I will be pleased to provide any extra assistance if you need my side.


(recommender name)


(organization name)

(contact & email)

Q1. How is LOR different from SOP?

Ans. In contrast to LOR, an SOP is written by a student. Also, unlike LOR, an SOP is entirely focused on the purpose of joining a specific program and institute.

Q2. What is the word count for LOR?

Ans. In general, the average word count of a LOR remains 300-400. On the other hand, some institutes accept up to 600 words LOR.

Q3. Can my fellow worker write a LOR for me?

Ans. No, it is not recommended to have your fellow write a LOR for you. A LOR is to be prepared by a supervisor only. It can either be a supervisor at your institute or workplace.

Q4. What should be avoided in a LOR?

Ans. To be more specific, you should not include your personal details in a LOR. For instance, your height, weight, political beliefs, ethnicity etc.

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