How to prepare for IELTS? Overview

9 mins

The IELTS exam is frequently required of everyone who plans to relocate abroad for any reason, from obtaining a degree to land a job. IELTS, one of the most generally acknowledged examinations in the world, might be your passport to travel abroad.

Especially for a nation like the United Kingdom, where IELTS is the only secure English test certified by UKVI for visa applications inside and outside the country. Although passing the IELTS exam is often seen as a herculean task, it is not so difficult. All you need to do is prepare well.

Regarding preparation, we bet the most challenging step for you is deciding how to begin your IELTS exam preparation. You require guidance throughout the whole IELTS preparation procedure. Guess what? We heard your appeal and are here to assist you in preparing for the IELTS.

We will explain everything, from what IELTS is to how you may qualify for each portion of it. Keep reading our IELTS preparation guide to learn all you need to know for your IELTS exam.

What is IELTS?

One of the most well-known exams for English fluency is the International English Language Testing System. Practically everyone who travels overseas must take it.

Now, why is this so important? Simply because this exam establishes that you can comprehend and speak fluent English, which is a need when applying to study in an English-speaking nation.

The IELTS exam has now been separated into two types: Academic and General. They are fundamentally identical; only the objective of taking the test and a small portion of the syllabus differs.

Academic IELTS is taken by individuals who want to go overseas to pursue higher education in an English-speaking environment or for professional registration purposes.

General IELTS, on the other hand, is intended for those applying to study below degree level in an English-speaking school or college. It can also be taken for overseas employment opportunities and also for immigration purposes.

As you may be aware, IELTS is divided into four sections: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Moreover, you must prepare for each component of the exam independently. So, here are a few pointers to assist you in getting through it.

IELTS Preparation Guide in Sections:


You must listen to and respond to questions about a discussion between two persons in the first recording. These recordings may now be made in American, British, Australian, and Asian English accents. To prepare for this, you must first become acquainted with these accents.

You will need to watch tonnes and tonnes of videos, though. You might want to check out some Ted Talks or discussions on CNN or the BBC.

The second tape is a social context monologue, while the fourth is a University address. The key to preparing for these recordings is to focus on the fundamental point delivered in the recording. Knowing what additional issues are covered in the recording and how the speaker expresses his ideas would be beneficial.

Usually, a group discussion involving four or fewer persons is captured on the third recording. Therefore, understanding the main topic of conversation is also very important here. Additionally, try to recollect the identities of the participants in the discussion as well as any specific allusions.

Try to start with subtitled videos while watching videos to assist you in studying for the test since they will make it easier for you to grasp what is being said and help you expand your vocabulary.

Finally, slowly listen to each audio and attempt to memorize just the most relevant bits. Don't fill your mind with useless knowledge. Of course, a lot of experience is needed for this.


This is the most feared part of the exam. However, with a few pointers, you can quickly overcome them. The first assignment in this part requires you to answer basic questions about yourself, such as interests, family, and ambitions.

Therefore, the goal in this situation is to respond promptly and in-depth while avoiding gossip, which will lead to a wrong impression on the examiner.

For the second activity, you must speak for around 2 minutes on a particular topic. Try to explain your understanding of the provided issue below quickly. Use only those facts to support your answer that you are sure about.

Use of misleading information or hoodwinks may find you in hot water. Everything you say should be concise, detailed, and confident.

The final assignment asks you to respond to the examiner's questions regarding the topic you discussed. Again, be explicit and confident in what you're saying. Be sure of what you said in the previous assignment since the examiner may ask you clever questions to trick you into contradicting yourself. Do not be taken in by it.

When responding to the examiner, avoid appearing overly excited or scared. Respond calmly and intelligently. Avoid rambling, incomplete responses with contradictory information when you don't know the answer to a question. Instead, respond as much as you know, and if you don't, inform the examiner.


The first skill you need to master is how to read quickly because, in this phase, you must read three important chapters, each around 300 words long, and respond to questions about them.

Candidates can only develop this talent by forming a habit of reading and reading a lot before taking the exam. Because you won't have much time to re-read the sections, try to grasp them the first time you read them.

In your brain, try to summarize the main point of the sections. This will allow you to answer the questions more accurately. Remember what the author is trying to communicate in the passages and how he bases his argument on them.

Learn how to skim through a section since it will come in handy while looking for solutions to all of your questions. Be detailed and sure about each answer while writing it. If you aren't, double-check, but try to be as precise as possible.

Make it a practice to read extensively before tests. This is the only option to improve your score in this segment.

Improve your vocabulary as well. After all, you don't want to be trapped trying to figure out what a particular word in the chapter means. Going through outdated example papers or good IELTS books is the best method to achieve this.


In this part, you must complete two projects in 60 minutes: a 150-word explanation of the supplied figure or graph and a 250-word essay. It is wiser to complete the essay first, as it takes more time, and then continue to job 1.

When writing the essay, explain the main topic correctly and in a highly understandable manner. Furthermore, establish the topic's argument smoothly so that each paragraph appears related to the preceding one.

You don't want your essay to seem like a haphazard collection of data but rather like a solid piece of writing describing the provided topic.

Learn how to interpret graphs and tables for the first job ultimately. You must completely comprehend the concept expressed by the provided diagram. Furthermore, understand the values provided and construct your description by comparing these numbers.

Try not to prolong any description section; keep it brief and straightforward. You want to give the examiner an uncomplicated and clean report.

Develop a strong vocabulary and improve your writing speed. Finishing both jobs in 60 minutes is challenging and requires a writing habit. Avoid making stupid punctuation errors or acronyms, as they might lower your grade. For the essay, use formal language.

With these IELTS preparation guides, you can study for each component of the IELTS exam. But is that it? Only preparing for each area is not enough; there are a few more general tips to bear in mind, which we have put down for you. Take a look!!

IELTS Exam Preparation Advice:

Be ready.

The first and most apparent tip is that you be prepared. Begin studying as soon as feasible before the exam. Before starting this, you'll have plenty of time to arrange your research.

The more you practice, the more assured you'll be on exam day. Use just the best study materials for IELTS preparation; a qualified counselor may assist you in this regard.

Seek assistance

You may believe you are the most intelligent Homo Sapien, but IELTS is not the place to put that belief to the test. It is often advised that you seek advice from professionals who have spent years helping students get ready for the IELTS exam.

If not, you can enroll in any of the several online courses offered. In this manner, you can gain a professional perspective and do better in your exam.

Perform many trials

The secret to raising your IELTS score is practice. The more you practice, the higher your score will be. So, start watching excellent debates and reading good literature immediately.

Also, attempt to solve as many IELTS sample question papers as possible. This will not only help you enhance your language skills, but it will also raise your confidence.

Practice your language skills

To take the IELTS, you must have adequate language abilities, and we don't simply mean vocabulary; we suggest a mix of solid vocabulary and immaculate grammar. Also, make sure you are skilled with punctuation because it is crucial in writing. You don't want to lose points for such little errors.

Be Fast

You've probably guessed it by now. Because there are so many questions and so little time on the IELTS exam, you must be quick at both readings and replying. So, anytime you practice, take timed tests so you may get in the habit of finishing your tests on time.

Also, by doing so, you can improve your writing speed, which will be helpful in the writing phase, when you will have to compose an extended essay in a legible font, unlike your doctor's prescription.

Answer All the Questions

This is a very crucial point to remember. Even if you are unsure in some parts, you must strive to answer every question. Why? You inquire.

IELTS does not have a negative grading system, which you may be unaware of. As a result, even if you are incorrect in specific locations, you will not lose any marks. So, give your hunches a chance as well; some of them can help you earn a higher score.

Do Not Panic

Finally, a very crucial recommendation for you is to remain calm. We understand that it is ultimately an examination, so you are likely to be concerned. But don't overstress yourself because stress and fear might cost you a portion of your score.

It would help if you sounded confident in yourself, especially during the speaking segment; showing anxiousness or panicking may be hazardous at that time. Trust yourself and your preparation, hope for the best, and give your all without regard for the outcome.

IELTS may appear to be a difficult test, but it isn't that difficult if you prepare carefully. You don't even have to sweat blood to achieve it. Nothing is impossible with a well-planned study regimen.

Follow the IELTS preparation instructions above and make every effort; we guarantee the outcome will be shockingly fantastic for you. We wish you well with your IELTS preparation.

IELTS Preparation Plan

After reviewing the IELTS preparation handbook, let us look at an IELTS study schedule. Your level of English proficiency determines the length of time you will need to prepare for IELTS. If you are confident in your English abilities, you should not require much time to prepare for IELTS.

However, if you aren't confident enough, you should practice first. Watch a lot of English news networks, like the BBC, and read a lot of newspapers and journals.

Here's an example of an IELTS study guide:

  • Depending on your required preparation, devote 1-2 hours every day to IELTS preparation.
  • Divide your schedule and devote sufficient attention to each segment.
  • For each component, set aside 30 minutes if you study for two hours.
  • Take practice examinations to evaluate yourself after you've gained enough confidence.
  • Spend extra time preparing for the parts where you fall short based on your performance on practice examinations.
  • If you stick to your IELTS study schedule, you will receive a decent score.
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